This morning my dad and I did an hour-long stand on the Smiley Morning Show, WZPL-FM, 99.5. Milk Bones to Dave Smiley (pictured), KJ (pictured) and Weedman for having us on the show. It was a great segment that included an investigative report by Smiley, heavey breathing and barking from me, commentary and the facts from my father, and a call-in phone interview with Marion County Prosecuter, Carl Brizzi.

Evidently that video prompted our rivals and fellow Horizon League member, University of Wisconsin Green Bay and their mascot Phlash to do a costume hunt (video below). Unfortunately, their exhaustive search produced no results and thus, it has been determined that the Butler Bulldog costumes are not in Green Bay, Wisc. Thanks for looking anyway, Phlash!
The story continued to generate attention in the media/news again today. It even got some national coverage! Keith Olbermann (pictured) of MSNBC picked up the piece and ran it in his “Oddball” segment on his Countdown show. You can view that here:

Locally, it received a follow-up story in The Indianapolis Star. In fact, it was front and center with a color picture in the Metro/State section. Here’s a screen shot of that in case you missed it:

You can read the article here:
It’s worth a quick read and it brings up some quick points of note/clarification.
First, the Butler Bulldog mascot costume is NOT named “Butler Blue,” or “Blue.” People (students, university officials, media) have used that name quite a bit in the last couple of days and I think that’s what’s generated most of the frantic calls to my parents from friends and family that think I’ve come up missing.
The name “Butler Blue” first came about in 2000 when Frank and Jeane King of Kong King Kennel, Lizton, Ind., donated Butler Blue I to the university. “Butler Blue” was the name that received the most votes in a “name the new live mascot” contest and thus the reason why I’m known as “Butler Blue II” today.
So I just wanted to take the opportunity to clear that up.
Also, at the end of that Indy Star story, it reads, “The new costumes could arrive as early as Nov. 1, Tuell said. Until then, students will have to rally around the school's other mascot, a real live bulldog known as Butler Blue II who does not dance.”
Well just call me “Blue II the belittled!” I’m so sorry that the university only has this mangy old mutt to serve as mascot for the next several weeks. Sure, I might not be able to dance, but I do have a fine repertoire of tricks and at least I do not smell like B.O.! Last time I checked, many colleges, universities and high schools have a costumed mascot, but only a fortunate few have the privilege of having the real thing to represent their school. The condescending Heather Gillers is on my list!
Oh well, as long as it continues to make the news, well then I’ll continue to shamelessly stump for the cause online, on-air and wherever I can. We just couldn’t buy this kind of coverage otherwise! I can’t say exactly why media/news outlets keep covering the story. I’m sure there are lots of reasons, but if it distracts us for just a moment from political campaigns, hurricanes, oil prices and foreign fighting, then I suppose it serves a purpose.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I attended another home volleyball match last night in historic Hinkle Fieldhouse. After all, I am the only mascot we have at the moment so I’ve got to make the rounds. My good friend Mike Freeman took me out on the court for starting lineups in our matching against the Sycamores of Indiana State University. I had a great time and I even came home with a mini-volleyball (pictured) signed by all of the Lady Bulldog players!
Below is some footage from the event…
Good times! I am definitely ready for my first home football game on Saturday!
Be sure to check back to the blog often for more info, updates and news regarding the search for the missing mascot costumes. In addition, text “follow butlerblue2” to 40404 ( for daily updates from yours truly.
Blue II.
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