"Sounds like the dream life of every Butler Bulldog! Do you have a girlfriend Blue??"
Not only do I live the dream life of every Butler Bulldog, I pretty much live the dream life. Period.
Living the dream, baby. Living-the-dream!
Now, on to your question...
It’s been said that a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell. Good news for you, I’m a dog, I do whatever I want. In the words of George Clinton and the Parliament-Funkadelic, "Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothin' but the dog in me." In other words, I've been known to like the ladies. Ya dig?

I’m cute, I’m cuddly, I’m a mascot and I’m a BMOC. Ladies love me.

My main lady in my life, besides my birth mother, Margie, (pictured below) is my adopted mother, Tiffany.
Tiffany taught me how to treat a lady and she said it was okay for me to date, but I’ve still yet to find “the one.”
I used to have a “relationship” with Kristen Nichols when she was on the cheerleading squad. Unofficially, she was my “girlfriend,” but we’ve since moved on. It was a mutual break-up, and we’re still good friends though. Besides, it was all fun and games…she is a human after all!
So when it comes the humans, I just enjoy the love from everyone. It’s platonic. But, I don’t really have a girlfriend on the K9 side either.
A good friend and Dawg Pound cohort, Loren Snyder, adopted a nice female English Bulldog recently. Her name is Bella. We went on a first date, but that didn’t go so well. We found that two Type A personalities don’t necessarily mix. She’s a nice lady, and we can be friends, but she’s too much woman for this man to handle.
I have an ongoing crush on Hoops Green. Hoops belongs to Butler men’s basketball guard, Mike Green. I haven’t seen her since Mike was playing ball in Alaska and Hoops was walking through campus with her sitter. We hit off right away. She’s hot, no question. And I think she was in to me, but we just don’t get to see each other very much. Distance just seems to make the heart grow fonder.

Like the late Christopher George Latore Wallace, a.k.a. Biggie Smalls, i.e. Notorious B.I.G. once said, “mo money, mo problems.” True. So true.

So I guess it’s best that I just kick it as a one-man-band for the time being. I am most definitely single and ready to mingle, but you just can’t force true love. I know that "Mrs. Right" is just going to find me when I least expect it.
Sleepless in Indianapolis,
Blue II
You're so kind to let us pry into your personal life Blue! Perhaps you should meet "Princess Tubbypants." We spotted her struttin' her stuff on the runway at the Bulldog Beauty Contest last fall. If I could whistle on a blog I would;)
Check her out-
Hey Blue! I think you are soooo cute. Anyways, I was wondering if you shed alot? I remember a year or two ago when some students were petting you in the dawg pound and you shed like crazy---hairs everywhere :) Did your new diet fix this problem?
Hey Blue! You are sooo cute. Anyways, I was wondering, do you shed alot? I remember about a year or two ago when some dawg pound members were petting you, hairs were shedding everywhere. Did your new diet fix this?
Hey Blue! You are sooo cute. Anyways, I was wondering, do you shed alot? I remember about a year or two ago when some dawg pound members were petting you, hairs were shedding everywhere. Did your new diet fix this?
Dear Blue:
Do you think that old adage that people resemble their pet dogs is really true? Have you ever thought that you and your dad might be a “classic example” of this theory? Are you comparable to your father it terms of body build or hairiness? How about personality? Is your dad as friendly as you are?
Hey My Boyfriend Blue,
What's this about you saying you really don't have a girlfreind and
are looking???? I thought it was
well established that you are MY boyfriend! I just want to know why the photographer forgot to take your picture with all the sports teams this year and what we can do about it? I think making
multiple copies of you in "your pose" and pasting them to the front of the large sports photos in Hinkle will solve the problem.
Only your true girlfriend would think of that!!!
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