Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Day in the Life

As promised, here's a run-down of my typical day...

7:00-7:15 a.m. – My parents get up and out of bed…I don’t move.

8:00-8:20 a.m. – My dad literally picks me up out of bed and sets me on the floor. I then do my best to try and wake up and open my eyes. From there, I groggily make my way through the house, (usually I try to detour towards my bed in the living room) to the garage and in the car. There’s lots of eye blinking and blank stares during this process.

8:20-8:30 a.m. – On the 7-10 minute drive to work, I typically just sit in the front passenger seat of the car and just stare out the front window and shut my eyes a lot. If I’m really tired, I’ll just climb back to the back seat and put off the reality of having to wake up and face the world. (Note: On weekends, I can be asleep by 9 p.m. and still have to be woken up by 11:30 a.m. the next day. I’m that good.)

8:30 a.m. – Time to make my way into to work. This is where I take care of business, if you know what I mean. From there, it’s on into Jordan Hall and down to the office.

8:35-9:00 a.m. – I get my work day started by making my rounds through the office. I go visit people, look for some good rub-downs, massages, and any handouts. Once I see who has reported for duty, etc., I head back to the office I share with my dad and I see if dad has put out my food and water. Sometimes I dig in right away and sometimes I save it for later…depends on what time I ate the night before and how I’m feeling.

9:00 -11:30 a.m. – This timeframe can involve a number of things, most likely of which includes napping. I also like to bark at my co-workers until they are forced to play with me, shred boxes, go “potty,” show off for visitors and students, etc. By lunch time I’m usually starting to wake up.

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. – My dad takes his lunch hour sometime within this two hour period so whatever he does usually dictates what I do. Sometimes I just hang out in the office with him as he eats at his desk. If he goes to workout at the HRC, sometimes I join him there or I might stay back, and there are times when we get to go run errands like visit the bank and such.

1:30-5 p.m. – More sleeping, barking, playing, visits from students, faculty & staff, and at least one more potty break. Also, more meetings with colleagues as you can see by Kyle Smith and I discussing some paperwork below. It’s a dog’s life!

5 p.m. – 7 p.m. – HRC time. Most days my dad heads back over to the HRC for another workout. I’m cool with the HRC. They have a cage behind the control desk for me to hang out at, and I have toys and a water bowl stashed there as well. Depending how much I slept that afternoon determines my mood there. My favorite part about the HRC is getting to go on laundry runs with the student workers. I love that elevator! It’s like magic. To have legs like mine and be able to skip the stairs is pure bliss.

7-8 p.m. – Dinner time at the Kaltenmark residence. If it’s a tough day, then I crash on the living room floor or on my bed. If I’m hungry, I’ll see if anything falls on the kitchen floor while they cook.

8-9 p.m. – I try to squeeze one last play time from my parents. Lots of barking, dragging my blanket and toys around the living room, etc.

9:00 p.m. til bedtime – I am sound asleep in the living room, either on the couch, my bed or on the floor. My parents have to turn up the TV to drown out my snoring. Just before bed, they’ll do their best to wake me and get me to go potty one last time. It’s a chore for them and me. After that, my dad lifts me up on the bed and the rest is history…another day in the books.

I guess that pretty much sums it all up. It might sound kind of boring, but remember, I’m a dog. Not bad, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the dream life of every Butler bulldog! Do you have a girlfriend Blue??